
Was I the only one that liked the new BBC weather graphics? More detailed, easier to understand and bang up to date. I wasn’t even bothered by the angle the UK was looked at but it has been changed so that Scotland is more in proportion – and it works.
Annoyingly the SNP are now claiming a victory over this change. How sad. One MP even raised a motion in the House of Commons for the map to be changed – great use of political time. The Tartan Tories strike again.



Just had The Sun and The Mirror reporters visiting our house. It turns out the family that is missing in Benbecula used to stay in our house (5 years ago). It brings the tragedy even closer to home and makes the small damage the house got last night seem meaningless. It also makes you wonder how the press got this address as it wasn’t the previous owners but the ones before that are missing – irrelevant but annoying all the same. My thoughts go out to the family and their relatives tonight.

The Storm

Last nights wind’s were strong. Very strong. Our house suffered a bit of damage but thankfully not too much. Those were some of the strongest and most consistent winds I’ve felt in a long time. Thankfully a friendly roofer came and fixed the damage so we shouldn’t let in too much more water! I say friendly – he was all out to fleece us for as much as he could get but that’s tradesmen for you.

Now the weather’s changed to hail and snow. Joy.

White Christmas

snowMerry Christmas everyone – hope you all had a good time. We had a White Christmas for our first Christmas in the new house. If I’m being honest though there was very little snow, but it made the day a bit more special. Christmas TV was awful though – hardly anything to watch so I ended up viewing my new Spider-Man 2 dvd – quality film.

For the rest of the holiday I’m off to Peterborough – just an excuse for an extended gaming session really but it will be good to catch up with friends whom I’ve not seen for ages. Anyway – must go and pack – nice 6 hour drive tomorrow although I’ve prepared a best off the year CD for the car – must get the iPod wired up for car use.


Record Breaker

I see the hottest temp recorded has now been set. Usually I would be in Glasgow and while hot it wouldn’t be scorchio. However I’m in Peterborough and it was melt weather at the weekend but thankfully now its slightly cooler – only 30C.

Weekend has been really good – caught up with friends in Scunthorpe and during a long night (what do u mean the suns up?) we’ve agreed to go to Australia and strangely the Edinburgh Festival next year (more likely the Fringe though). Weegie in culture shock. Hope it happens specially the trip to Oz.

Hot In Here

Its 9AM, the suns blazing down outside and its 26C in work already. Tempers are frayed and the day feels long and I’ve only been here an hour. I wonder if there’s any regulations about a workplace being too hot. The fans are on but they only help to push the warm air around – so thats how a fan assisted oven works!